
“A walk in nature walks the soul back home.”

— Mary Davis, Author

Come join us. Let’s walk together.

Mood Walks is a provincewide initiative that promotes physical activity in nature, or “green exercise,” to improve both physical and mental health.

Research shows that being in nature significantly improves overall health and well-being.

Mood Walks offers both physical and mental health benefits, especially for those at risk of developing or currently experiencing mental health challenges. This engaging activity encourages social interaction and teaches simple strategies, like mindfulness and journaling, for everyday well-being.

Learn about the Benefits

“Always a pleasure to participate in the walk. Nice to socialize with other people. The woods are an extra bonus.”

Mood Walks Participant

Find a Mood Walks
Group near you.

Enjoy some time walking in nature while socializing
with others at locations across Ontario.

Find a Walk

Mood Walks is led by CMHA Ontario, in collaboration with Hike Ontario and Conservation Ontario. We work closely with community mental health agencies, social service organizations, and other partners to launch educational hiking programs to help participants connect with others in green spaces.

About Us

Become a Partner

Mood Walks is easy and cost-efficient for organizations looking to integrate a proven and effective walking program into their mental health strategy.

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